23 October 2010

Physics in love

Newton's First Law
An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Heart's Law
An empty heart without love tends to stay empty and love with sumone tend to stay with sumone with the same status unless acted upon by an another person.

*waaa....me likey! (^_^)v


atie said...

yang...punye la bosan duk umh, smpai ley ade mcm2 widget kt blog nih. huhuhu
npe xmao smbung phd??

...❀ farah ❀... said...

hikhik...ni kje sampingan selain menanam anggur~~

phd tu? macam susah je. takut tak terbawak...master je kot nanti...

(lagipon kang kalo aku ad phd nnti ko rs bpe byk hantaran aku nnti? :P)

atie said...

ish....msti la boleh punye. xkn uitm nk hbeskn duit tanggung org xbleh. hehehe

master pon master la....smoga berjaya~~~~

(hantaran?? aku degree sbji alquran. mati kne pelangkung ngan mak aku kalo die taw. lmbu khemah smua sape nk byr?? :P ko aku target 3 bji dh la. hehehe)

Daisypath Anniversary tickers